Established in 1921, Amamoor State School has been providing quality education to generations of families and enjoys strong ties with its local community. Amamoor State School provides quality education for students in the Preparatory year through to Year Six within a multi age setting. Our school community is dedicated towards achieving excellent results for our students and school.
Amamoor State School is committed to delivering a high quality, high outcomes education for each and every student. Our staff are a professional and caring team who are committed to achieving the best for all students in all aspects of their learning. Our curriculum is aligned with the Australian Curriculum and we strive purposely to improve on the quality of education that we deliver through research based strategies that enhance continuous improvement in every student. Age appropriate, evidence based pedagogies are utilised to provide a range and balance of learning experiences to engage every child.
Our school vision “Learning, working, growing" encompasses our high expectations both academically and socially, ensuring students are continuously achieving success through a safe and supportive learning environment. This vision guides our dedicated staff to ensure innovative learning experiences are delivered daily, supporting each child to reach their full potential.
We work closely with school chaplains to provide social and emotional skills to students, developing resilience, persistence and critical thinking skills in every student. Our school strongly encourages parents and carers to develop productive partnerships with the school. We pride ourselves on maintaining open and respectful communication between school and home. Our Parents and Citizens Association meet approximately once a month after school and welcome parent helpers. I encourage you to be an active participant in your child's education.
Amamoor is proud to recognise and continue the importance of our connection to the Gubi Gubi people. We live, work and grow on this special country.
Our school does not have catchment based enrolments. On behalf of Amamoor State School, I extend a warm invitation for new enrolments to call in and make an appointment for a guided tour to experience our learning environment. We know that you will be impressed when you visit.
Rosalie Reynolds