Our camps and excursions are an integral part of our school experience. They are linked to the curriculum and provide the students with the opportunity to attend and participate in a variety of activities.
Amamoor participates in a range of school camps. Year 4/5/6 attend a camp every year at a destination within driving distance of our school. Every third year, the Year 4-6 students participate in a Canberra Camp. There is information sessions leading up to the camp which all Year 4-6 families are encouraged to attend.
Each year all students participate in sporting events such as swimming lessons and surf awareness skills organised by Noosa Surf Lifesavers. Other events include mini sports day, cross country and athletics trial events and interschool sports. In other areas, we are involved in the Mary Valley cluster for Poetry Day in Term 3 and and Science Week.
Our P&C endorses all of our school camps and excursions. We maintain electronic communication with home. Students and staff staff members contribute to regular methods for updates from camp. Whilst the cost of camp is rising, we encourage parents to put aside a small amount each week for the duration of your child's schooling life. The P&C contributes a significant amount of their annual fundraising to subsidise the cost of the whole school and cluster camps for families. Support of these fundraisers is beneficial to all students.
Some excursions and school camps require a payment to participate. These payments have a closure or cut-off date for the payment to be paid. This is essential as bookings must be confirmed, payments made by us and banking completed. When possible, the school uses funds from grants to subside the cost on families.
These cut-off dates are publicised when excursion notifications are sent home and are set with ample time for permission slips and payments to be returned.