We develop curriculum to meet our school needs based on the Australian Curriculum and guided by the P-12 Curriculum, Assessment & Reporting Framework. Our Amamoor curriculum program is the sum of the learning experiences students receive from the school, both in and outside the classroom. When teachers write and review curriculum we embed and articulate the pedagogical principles, explaining how we will help Amamoor students to be life-long learners, with the skills and attributes we value now and in the future.
Teaching and learning at Amamoor State School incorporates:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Humanities and Social Science
- Health and Physical Education
- The ARTS: Music, Drama, Media Arts, Visual Arts, Dance
- Technology: Digital and Design Technology
Specialist lessons taught by specialist staff are Japanese LOTE, Physical Education and The Arts that complement this program of instruction.
Our whole school curriculum plan overview by year level shows the focus units of work and outlines the scheduled year level assessment tasks by unit. This document is published to support consistency within and across year levels and delivers a vertically aligned curriculum.
Individual Curriculum Plans are written for a small number of students who require a different year level curriculum in some or all learning areas and/or subjects for the reporting period.
Teachers deliver the curriculum at a level, pace and degree of abstraction and complexity suited to the students' learning ability. Those students who are achieving at a higher level than their peers are extended through their curriculum provision in the classroom as well as offered extra curricula and extension programs, of which there are several from Years 4 to 6.