Amamoor State School has a very dedicated, enthusiastic and interactive P&C Association.
They are very supportive with the large range of extra curricular activities within our school. Because of this support, the children are able to be involved in a wider variety of experiences.
The functions of Amamoor's P&C are to:
foster community participation/interest in educational matters
encourage partnerships between parents, community members, staff and students of our school
provide recommendations to the principal on concerns/issues regarding general operations and management of the school
provide financial assistance or resources to support and promote student learning
assist students to achieve the best educational learning outcomes possible by supporting ALL students to participate in all school activities.
Parents, friends and community members are welcome to attend our P&C meetings. There are a number of ways you may participate, such as:
This is a great way to share ideas, make new friends and be involved in your child/children's education.
P&C Association financial funding provides many benefits for all students within our school. Funding covers costs of events such as arts council, swimming, camps and excursions.
For enquires please contact our school office.